Convenience or value-added services include solutions that are primarily designed for passengers to make the transport service more experimental, ergonomic and attractive. Convenience services may also be appeared at the station, on the vehicle or at stops.
However, there are more than just services that can be considered comfortable for passengers: such a task can be performed in several areas of the operation of a transport company. These convenience services are designed to make it more efficient for staff to perform a particular task.
On-Board Wifi Service
Traveling on vehicles is now an expectation to provide accessible, public Internet service to passengers.
The technical design of the WiFi service has to meet a lot of requirements: ensuring the right data connection (possibly redundancy), bandwidth, measuring and limiting data flow, ensuring data protection, and making use-related statutory logging, etc.
The service provider can manage the WiFi service in the administrative section of the captive portal.
Smart Bus Stop
Smart bus stops play a role in managing passenger traffic at stops, and their main task is to minimise waiting and make them more enjoyable. The stop services can be customised per stop depending on the needs of the service provider and local conditions.
Smart bus stops provide the following services and devices​: free WiFi, dynamic passenger information displays, passenger terminal, information and advertising displays, phone chargers, emergency call, solar power, iBeacon service, blind remote control, loudspeaker, smart schedule, etc.