New Line Ltd. has been present on the Hungarian market for over 20 years. In 2015 we joined Delta Group, the second largest systems integratot in Hungary.
Our strenght is the development and integration of public transport soulitions. Implemented projects cover both softwares and hardwares and can be found on public transport vehicles, stops, stations and operation centres.
Our mission is to deliver state-of-the-art solutions to the public transport sector enhancing service providers to make their everyday operations simpler and smoother while passenger can obtain value added services.
Most of our solutions are helping public transportation service providers. However, other players in the non-public sectors or the freight services can also benefit from our wide experiences.
Main Indicators
1500 vehicles
Our services and products are widely used by our customers in different types of vehicles: buses, trams or even trolleybuses. In Hungary we are responsible for over 1.500 vehicles at different service providers.
71 %
In Hungary we cover three quarters of the public transportation services provider markets while our services extend from the on-board wifi service to the modern e-ticket and payment methods.